Bucket - 1 cubic ft. VCFP-S Hargrove 3/8" Volcanic Firepit Cinder Media - 5 Gallon Bucket 3/8" Volcanic Cinder - 5 gal. For more than 35 years we have been creating the most beautiful and realistic gas logs available. The Element Series is a contemporary linear vent-free burner system that comes standard with a mirrored stainless back panel to reflect the flame.
Available with Aspen Twig Kit. Available for Natural Gas or Liquid Propane. Includes Multi-colored blazing river stones set.Remote controls are not included with the log set and should be ordered separately. Burner media are not included with the log set and should be ordered separately. Valves, Remote Controls, and Switching Devices. RC-S12V-MV Millivolt DC operated on/off remote control.
Kit includes 12 VDC remote/receiver - remote features: on/off function. RC-I12V-BT Millivolt Remote & Bluetooth. Kit includes 12VDC Remote/Receiver & Bluetooth smartphone capability.
BT-IBUG Millivolt Bluetooth Module Control. Includes Bluetooth Module Control for smartphone capability.
RC-S12V-MVT Millivolt Thermostatic on/off function. RC-5301P Millivolt Thermostatic with LCD Touchscreen Display.
Thermostatic, programmable, full LCD touchscreen display. RC-A110V-A Millivolt AC operated on/off remote control. Requires 110 volt A/C electricity - remote features: on/off function, child-proof switch. TST Millivolt Wall Mount Thermostat Control.
Wall Mount Thermostat Control (not recommended for vented sets). Bark chip switch, on/off function. PCS Millivolt Pine Cone Switch. 2 Piece Pine Cone switch, on/off function.
WS Millivolt On/Off Function Wall Switch. This kit includes a 1x pinecone, 1x twig and 4x bark chips to add to your fireplace.
A kit of charred chips that can be uséd to add character to your log set. 4x Decorative charred chips for ember bed.
These Pine Cones can be uséd to add some customization or to conceal a valve within your set. Q-BLR-10 1/4 Blue Lagoon Reflective Fireglass 10-lb.Blue Lagoon 1/4 Fireglass (10 lb bag). Q-BR-10 1/4 Bronze Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Bronze 1/4 Fireglass (10 lb bag). Q-CBR-10 1/4 Caribbean Blue Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Caribbean 1/4 Fireglass (10 lb bag).
Q-CI-10 1/4 Crystal Ice Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Crystal Ice 1/4 Fireglass (10 lb bag). Q-CR-10 1/4 Coppper Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Copper 1/4 Fireglass (10 lb bag). Q-MBR-10 1\4 Midnight Black Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Midnight Black 1/4 Fireglass (10 lb bag). Q-PR-10 1/4 Platinum Reflective Fireglass 10-lb.Platinum 1/4 Fireglass (10 lb bag). H-BLR-10 1/2 Blue Lagoon Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Blue Lagoon 1/2 Fireglass (10 lb bag).
H-BR-10 1/2 Bronze Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Bronze 1/2 Fireglass (10 lb bag). H-CBR-10 1/2 Caribbean Blue Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Caribbean 1/2 Fireglass (10 lb bag).H-CI-10 1/2 Crystal Ice Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Crystal Ice 1/2 Fireglass (10 lb bag). H-CR-10 1/2 Coppper Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Copper 1/2 Fireglass (10 lb bag).
H-MBR-10 1/2 Midnight Black Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Midnight Black 1/2 Fireglass (10 lb bag). H-PR-10 1/2 Platinum Reflective Fireglass 10-lb. Platinum 1/2 Fireglass (10 lb bag).
VC 3/8 Volcanic Firepit Cinder Bag Burner Media. Volcanic Cinder uséd to cover the fireplace floor. VCFP-L 1" to 3" Volcanic Firepit Cinder Media - 5 Gallon Bucket. 1" to 3" Volcanic Cinder - 5 gal. VCFP-S Hargrove 3/8 Volcanic Firepit Cinder Media - 5 Gallon Bucket.
3/8 Volcanic Cinder - 5 gal. Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. No additional information at this time. American Outdoor Grill Manifold Valve N/BBSB. American Outdoor Grill Manifold Slide-In Valve T-Series. American Outdoor Grill 30 Manifold Valve T-Series.